Our Planet Earth is undergoing a massive energetic infusion of Fifth Dimensional energy through the rewiring and upgrading process. We are exiting our oppositional solid state nature and are merging into a oneness of being that is based upon empathy, love cooperation and union. What has been known as the “Other” or our separateness is coming to a closure here on Earth. Our contrasted hemispheres of our human brains have perpetuated this life of conflict and opposition here o Earth. We have been in disobedience with ourselves and others since the dawn of humanity. New and exciting energetic pathways are now being created and connected to promote the merging of our left and right hemispheric experience. Our conflicted world is coming to its closure. We will not longer live and believe that we are separate or from our fellow human beings and the Divine.
Enormous and profound changes are emerging as our planet moves into the energy of the 5 D Photonic Belt. Consciousness is elevating into the Fifth Dimensional Field which will infuse a fullness of consciousness to humanity. Our spiritual lives will become exalted. We may remember past lives and people that we shared with them and begin to communicate telepathically. The aging process will begin to slow down and even possibly be reversed. Our spiritual and physical abilities will undergo a complete transformation. These massive changes await all of us as our planet moves into this powerful and dynamic photonic frequency.
When transitioning through the denser frequencies our bodies will begin the purification and rewiring process. People may experience jolts and infusions of electricity that is felt coursing through all of their bodies. The Kundalini Energy, a dormant secondary life force that is coiled at the base of the Sacral Chakra may be released. Empaths and Lightworkers may be overtaken by this energy. Most however won’t even notice the change, but they will still be infused with the energy that they can receive. Theses altered bodies will prepare us all to receive the full benefits of living in the photon belt. People will start developing abilities such as second sight and telepathy. The New Earth has always resonated with this energetic frequency but it had remained beyond our perceptions. There will be a merging and connecting to this Fifth Dimension.
Our spiritual earthly ascension is the process in which we as souls within a body remembers its origins. Our emotional and mental bodies which are connected energetically to the Earth are now assisted by the expansion of energy to the first three dimensional fields, to the Crystalline Grid which is the place of neutrality and love. This dimensional shift will help us release all lower dimensional ideologies and behaviors that are not in alignment with the frequency of the New Earth
We are moving into a “consciousness of origin” whereby we as human beings are becoming more in sync with our true emotions of love and compassion, higher thought forms and impulses that are now present in our energetic fields. We will no longer overreact and try to manipulate our emotions and thoughts or others. We will accept them as a form of deep introspection that is emerging within all of us with the understanding that our emotions and thoughts are really coming from our collective consciousness. Discordant energies are being dissolved and are being replaced with the Divine energy. The fragmentation of the soul is healing and a fusion is taking place. We are being returned to a state of oneness. In our present community ascension process the human body is beginning to harmonize the soul and is finely attuning to a complete connection and resonation to the Heavenly frequency.
Our planet Earth completes a rotation around the Sun 365 days for one complete revolutionary cycle. Our Sun and our entire solar system rotates around Alcyone, which is the brightest star of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters constellation. Its name actually means “The Central One”. One complete revolution of our Solar System around Alcyone takes approximately 26,000 years. Presently, in our Universe we have reached the conclusion of that 26,000 year cycle. Alcyone and our Solar System are revolving around the Galactic Core the Central Region of or our Milky Way Galaxy. One complete revolution takes approximately 225 million years. When this happens a celestial alignment occurs in the Heavens between the Earth, the Sun and the central region of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The 5 D Photon Belt
The Photon Belt that is surrounding the Earth is the Galactic Plane of alignment of hundreds of billions of Milky Way star systems. Our solar system orbits across this Photon Belt twice in approximately every 26,000 years. The crossing occurs every 13,000 years. The transformation and purification that is currently happening is the result of the immersion of the extraordinary and powerful photonic light that is emitting from the Greater Central Sun that is emerging through the Galactic Plane Photon Belt. At times during our 26,000 year revolution around Alcyone that our solar system sits partly or fully within the Photon Belt which can be referred to periods of light and periods of darkness when our solar system is not within this photon belt. Due to the density of the Photon Belt’s magnetic field we typically spend about 2000 years in the lights then 11,000 in darkness then the cycles repeats with the fulcrum of events making up our full 26,000 year cycle. Every 13,000 years we reach the peak central area of the photonic belt of light with coincides with the 13,000 year Stellar Cycle. The Photon Belt is said to consist of three elements. The Zero Zone a regions in the lower part of the belt where matter and antimatter particles collide to create photon streams. This is a place where the electromagnetic fields of our star system will be neutralized. The next area is the main region of the Photon Belt. In this area the space and time distortion is what will push our Earth in a higher frequency. This period is expected to last for about 2000 years and is believed to be the “Golden Age”. This is what we experience directly on Earth. The last element of the photon belt is the zone that forms the exit point of the Photon Belt.
Constellation Realignment
Planet Earth is now being influenced by entirely new star patterning’s that we have never experienced before. This influence of new star patterning’s will grow in importance in our universal experience. The significance of this and its effects are just the beginning . There is a constant shifting in the heavens which is creating profound changes in our earthly atmosphere and in our human bodies. Remember, Space is not flat. It curves and bends and contains many pockets and folds. These pockets are slowly moving and changing shape. As they do, new pockets are formed and previously closed-off pockets are re-opened. Unknown star fields that were previously hidden in pockets and folds in space are now slowly being revealed. Conversely, many star field frequency patterning’s to which Earth has long been accustomed are slowly being withdrawn. They are being recalled into newly created pockets and folds in deep space as they have served their vibrational purpose.
This is of tremendous importance for the establishment of the new etheric blueprint and grid matrix overlay. Since the Realignment of the Stars actually began long ago, some of these changes have already been observed in the night sky by our astronomers. It has simply taken this long for the changes to be visible due to the slow speed that light travels. While we wait for science to catch up to metaphysics and to supply the evidence that some people require we are already being affected by this shift. We are experiencing this influx of new star field energies as part of the heightened acceleration of the Time of Completion Process. This energy brings in the accelerated frequencies which are assisting our process of restructuration and recalibration as we make the quantum leap into Oneness.
Solar Systems Descending
Our Solar System is now moving into the Pleiades Photon Belt once again where it will bring to us into another 2,000 years of Light. In the December Solstice 2012 our Solar System fully entered into this Photon Belt field. The Earth is now completely inside the parameters of this photon belt. It has been intensifying for decades and has been changing the atmospheres on all the planets in our solar system and accelerating the rate of change in human consciousness. The global ascension in consciousness with the photonic reflections influencing the emerging intelligence in the Source Field. This photonic energy is of the highest forms of light known to humanity. It can also be known as our Source or the Divine which carries sentient supra-conscious intelligence which is coded in the frequencies. This understanding of ‘Galactic Light’ was known anciently to the Gnostics: “The 2000 year old Gnostic text, discovered in Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945, reveals the cosmic understanding that the brilliant light at the central core of our Galaxy is actually a sentient intelligence. These Gnostic texts communicates that the physical world we inhabit came into form as the intelligent expression of the plasma light, or ‘ether’, spiraling out from the Galactic Central Sun.” The Central Sun in our Solar System is Alcyone. Our Solar System rotates around it in a cycle of approximately 26,000 years. We are coming to the end of this cycle now as we merge through the Galactic Center. The Central Sun revolves around the Greater Central Sun, Sirius B. As our Solar System moves through the Galactic Center, it aligns us with the Central Sun and Greater Central Sun. We become the Sun of our True Self. It has taken us on a journey of experiencing the levels of creation from the densest levels of consciousness to the highest we can achieve in the Blueprint of Duality. Now we are moving through into the realms of the unification and the higher dimensional realms of existence.
The Kundalini Consciousness
As human beings we are now being reborn while we are in our physical bodies. Profound love is currently transforming enough of the fear and anxiety that we hold of the unknown to begin to usher us into the Golden Age that encompasses Unconditional Love, Joy and Transformation. We are now awakening into to our Divine Light and our Origins to become illuminated and to live in Union. Due to the rewiring process this accentuated light is now able to be received within a human beings aura. This spiritual rewiring is affecting all of humanity. We may receive the Light through the Pineal Gland in the Third Chakra and absorb it in the Pituitary and the Thymus Glands. This regulates our body and the flow of Kundalini energy. We we are receiving this energetic flow of energy from matter, antimatter as well as Dark Plasma. Very high vibrational souls may be ready to experience spontaneous energetic awakenings and others who have intuitively known that this event was to occur in their lifetime began preparation decades ago in order to receive the infusion.
Our multidimensional bodies are in actuality White Light that exist in worlds of what is called Dark Matter that is lighter and exists at a higher frequency than dense matter and interfaces with the higher realms. As this process evolves within us our DNA, RNA and Light Bodies activate to hold greater light which makes our energy fields very strong and shear. It also means that we have a lot of energy at our disposal and we must take care with our thoughts, words and deeds. Our responsibility is now aligned with Source and must come from our unity, rather than our division. As we become lighter we expand our heart and our mind consciousness into the multidimensional realms of existence. The separateness is leaving our existence. We will no longer need to learn this way. As this cycle progress our souls with enter into the higher dimensional Earth and our newly upgrades Solar System.
Cosmological Rewiring
Activations have already take place in human beings and will continue through 2020 where it will reach its peak level. The principle time cycle is 26,556 years which is the precession of the equinoxes. It is triggered by a slow wobble of the Earth as it spins and orbits around the Sun. Stellar activation occurs when our solar system aligns with the higher frequency bands of Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and Andromeda. The frequency bands then merge and pass through Earth. If Earth is out of balance within itself due to abuse from humanities influence the higher frequencies will cause disruption for the purpose of purification.
To understand the alignment imagine in your mind circles within circles or cycles within cycles turning at different rates to which are attached magnets. Periodically the circles could align forming one long and powerful magnet. This would act like a very strong current. This is called a holographic beam since it contains the fundamental energy of these systems. After the convergence this holographic beam carries the remains of photon activity. When Earth is in alignment it merges with a higher dimensional parallel existence. During this process the particles and antiparticles of these planets and their antiparallel planets are unified in certain specific ways. When these particles and antiparticles come together they create intense photonic activity which we know as the Photon Belt. It is continually renewed each cycle as the holographic beam passes out through Alcyone, leaving the band around this star.
Beautiful Photonic Energy
Photons are the tiniest particles of light known in quantum physics. A photon particle is the result of a collision between an anti-electron or positron and an electron. These split second collisions cause the charges of the particles to cancel and the resultant mass is converted into energy in the form of photons. Photons are emitted during the transmission of one energy state to another. They have zero mass and no electrical charge.
Photon promises to be a major source for our energy requirements in the coming years. Photonic energy will provide new and unlimited sources of energy. This energy source will enable humanity to move away from the fossil fueled industrial age. Our civilization can begin to dissolve technologies that have polluted and densified our planet for the two centuries. Photonic energy will not only provide the human body with a maximum efficiency of energy, it will also do the same for our dwellings and workspaces.
Existing in the Photon Belt will play a profound role in the transformation of humanity. Immense illumination of consciousness will occur as well as profound em This is a period of awakening essentially due to the ascension cycle and planetary alignment. The phenomenon of both the Photon Belt plus stellar activity will reduce the veil stopping us from seeing who we are. It will remove some of the barriers around cells and DNA making them more reactive or responsive to new energies, and in fact the DNA will attempt to respond to the changing frequencies, increasing its capacity. It presents opportunities for change on a planet by adding new energies. It increases the flow of energy in the magnetic grids of Earth, attracting new ideas and energies People will feel the need to transform but those who consider this physical reality their only expression will dwindle into greater fixations, blocks and negativity. Angelic humans and the higher vibrational being on Earth are the first group of people who are presently receiving this energy and the transformation that comes with it.
The Andromeda Galaxy is now interfacing with our Milky Way Galaxy and holds an extremely high frequency of the Unified Matrix of Light. This frequency is pulling us backward into the higher dimensional Solar System. The Greater Central Sun Solar System is so expansive that the Solar System of the Central Sun is on an outer orbit of it and our Solar System is on an outer orbit of Alcyone’s Solar System. Our galaxy will eventually merge and rejoin the Andromeda Galaxy from which it fell away from.
There is a loop that we move into in order to move to the higher dimensional Solar System and in order for that to happen consciousness must shift. As we begin to align with the Sun and the Second Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun we begin to awaken the Sun within us and the Earth herself becomes a Sun. This process will take approximately 1000 year in linear time. This is event is considered the dimensional shift, the Golden Age we are moving into. This is happening whether we like it or not. For those sensitive enough they will feel it in all their six bodies. It is the completion of Three Grand Cycles. It is like trying to stop the sun rising. We can now open to the flow and allow it to guide us. If we resist this shift and cling to fear and remain in the Third Dimensional paradigms it will it will only bring pain and suffering to us. We must completely surrender.
Celestial Realignment
Our Earth is now being strongly influenced by an emerging star patterning that we have never seen before on Earth. The influence of this new star pattern will continue to emerge in visibility and vibration. There is now a constant transitioning in the Heavenly Plane which is creating profound transformation. Space is a curvature plane. It angles and bends and containing pockets and folds. These envelopments are slowly moving and changing shape and as they do new pockets are formed and previously sealed-off pockets are reopened. Thus we shall discover that unknown star systems that were previously hidden in these pockets and folds in space are now slowly being revealed. Conversely, many star field frequency patterning’s to which Earth has long been accustomed, are slowly being withdrawn and we will not be able to detect their influence. They are being recalled into newly created pockets and folds in deep space. The purpose of this retraction could be a cause and effect of the re-alignment process.
The Realignment of the Stars actually began a while ago. Some of these changes have already been observed in the night sky. It has simply taken this long for the changes to be visible due to the slow speed that light travels. While we wait for science to catch up to metaphysics to supply the hardcore evidence that some folks need to feel safe we are already being affected by these celestial movements. We are experiencing this influx of new star field energies as part of the heightened acceleration of the Time of Completion. They are helping bring forward accelerated energetic frequencies which are assisting the process of rewiring as we move into the ascension into Oneness.
Transformation of Consciousness
Our immersion within Photon Belt will play a profound role in the transformation of humanity. The illumination of our consciousness will become the priority in our lives here on Earth. This is a period of awakening is primarily due to the ascension cycle and planetary alignment. The phenomenon of both the Photon Belt and celestial activity will reduce the density of the veil that prevents us from seeing who we really are. This thinning of the veil will lessen the barriers around our molecular DNA making them more reactive or responsive to new energies. The DNA will attempt to respond to the changing frequencies which will increase its capacity. This presents many opportunities for change on our planet by the addition of higher vibrational energy. It increases the flow of energy in the magnetic grids of Earth and attracts new ideas and energies People will feel the need to transform but those who consider this physical reality their only expression will dwindle into greater fixations, blocks and negativity. Angelic humans and the higher vibrational being on Earth are the first group of people who are presently receiving this energy and the transformation that comes with it. The Earth becoming a Sun is a gradual process and will come to fruition within the next thousand years in our linear time. This is a dimensional shift moving us towards the Golden Age.
Our human spiritual ascension is the energetic process where we remember who we are. Our spiritual origins. Our emotional and light bodies that are connected magnetically to the Earth are assisted into the expansion of the Earth by its magnetic polarity of the first three dimensions to the Crystalline Grid or Zero Point Frequency, the vibration of non-polarity of the higher realms. It will allow us to shed and discard all prior imprints and mental attitudes and vibrations that cannot align with the Oneness and the Divine.