A soul is generally described as a sort of psychic footprint of the person that they were, the stronger their mental strength is the Brighter they shine, the brighter they shine the Greater the beacon they are to be reborn.
Souls are attracted to incarnate into circumstances that will give them opportunities to grow as human beings and to expiate old karma. It would stand to reason then that the souls that are attracted to incarnate at this particular time would have some resonance with this current age.
Blanks are essentially a Psychic black hole. What presence they do have is nullifying to any and all psychic entities and energies. They are described as having no psychic presence, without that presence they don’t leave a soul to be destroyed. Its origin is typically attributed to a lack of inherent spiritual essence at birth through karmic agreements. Blank souls are otherwise known as New Souls.
A key characteristic of a Blank Soul is the inability to relate or understand to the emotions of others, potentially leading to callous behavior. These people may appear emotionally distant, not showing strong reactions or emotions to positive or negative experiences. They may also lack a clear sense of directions or personal goals. They may drift from one place or job to another with no sense of grounding of purpose. This concept implies that a Blank Soul is void of the essence from either a past life or an infusion by the Divine and others can sense this.
Unlike some beliefs where souls have a pre-set life plan, “blank souls” are considered to start with a clean slate, allowing them to freely shape their own destiny through their experiences.
The human body is not meant to feel good all the time, it has a system of rewards (endorphins) and punishments (shame, guilt) to ensure that certain goals are achieved. On a basic level, to ensure that the physical needs of the body are met. On an animal level, to ensure that the species continues. On an emotional level, to ensure that things of value are done, that meaningful goals are achieved.
On a spiritual level, to please the Divine and set one’s heart at ease. If you have an addiction, any addiction, it’s very hard to achieve these goals. All addictions boil down to the same thing, feeling good all of the time, and never feeling bad. However, achieving these goals requires work, they require sacrifice. The sacrifice of a small pleasure now, for a greater pleasure later. Instead the Blank Souls, like all other narcissistic-type souls seek to collect many small pleasures upon each other, to equal a greater one.
It’s not possible to win all of the time unless you steal the wins of others and then the future wins that which could have belonged to you.
Making you wrong and them right at every turn provides them with a constant and very basic form of stimulation but it steals your happiness from you. It also steals the chance if the The Blank Soul being able to form a deep, firm and mutually beneficial relationship with you.
Lying to people compulsively steals from others by destroying the social contract that holds us all together. It destroys your trust, your faith in others and a sense of of well being. It ultimately destroys the Blank Soul’s chance of being believed, trusted, honored, respected. Worst of all, it destroys their opportunities to take stock, examine themselves, improve, become a better person.
To connect spiritually with such a person is not easy. You must force their head up from the black hole and get their mind out of the human misery upon which they feed. You’re going to have to help them break the behaviors that destroys them and all the others around them. You cannot give them what they want as what they want is an illusion.
Blank Souls Relationships
Blank Souls generally get involved with Elementals or Indigo Souls who aren’t afraid to shake them up a bit. Some folks do need their souls burned into them in order to grow. Empaths are also draw to the void in these people. This isn’t how all souls arrive on Earth but there are a group present in our souls groups.