Soul Fragmentation is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon. Emotionally it can feel a little like a fractured mirror within yourself where you can only feel and see seperated parts of your self at your deepest levels. Another theme of Soul Fragmentation is that you feel that you have no primary home. There is no permanency or anchoring inwardly or in your external environment. In some religious traditions soul loss, which is the wounding or fragmentation of a person’s soul as a result of trauma, abuse, war, conflicts etc., especially as suffered at an early age—is seen as one of the leading cause of illnesses, immune-system deficiencies, and all-around dysfunction of physical, emotional and mental well-being. If not treated properly Soul Fragmentation can result in the permanency of these afflictions. There can be a profound loss of life experiences through Karma and the repetition and solidification of negative life patterns and Generational Pain that can persist throughout the soul’s lifetimes as well into reincarnation.
Soul fragmentation can be seen as a severe damage to a person’s Auric Field, the souls outward essence and the soul itself. Soul fragmentation happens when pieces of your soul separate and dislocate. A part of your energy field is lost, or at its worst stolen. When we are robbed of our free will and experience painful traumas our boundaries are compromised and a anything can come in. This happens on an interdimensional level so most of the time we don’t even know it’s happening. Physically we may feel unwell, afraid and have a profound inward sense that something is wrong. This is the definition of not feeling like ourselves.
There are many potential causes of Soul Fragmentation. When we can learn to pinpoint the trauma, the entry point and imprinting location within the soul the soul can begin to heal. Some reasons for Soul Fragmentation are Attachment Syndrome, Mental Attacks, Addiction or Abuse. When healing give yourself the gift of time. It is time that is your friend here. Time to feel the hurts and figure out what is not functioning in your life and what you can do about it. After all, you own your soul.
The negative impacts of Soul Fragmentation vary greatly, especially when a person is unable to address certain behaviors and afflictions. Narcissism, sociopathy, and addictions are just some examples of people who are existing with fragmented souls. There is also the influence of the unseen, energetic external factors that can impact our soul health. Possession, mind control oppression that originate from these dark entities in our world. One of most important factors in healing the soul is the ability to completely remove any implants or imprints, heal and restore the injured aspects of the soul and perform soul retrievals to restore and integrate the soul’s grid.
There are inhuman and destructive entities that are in ardent pursuit of the human soul. Call them what you will-Demons, Shadow People even Extra Terrestrials we should be vigilant of their agenda and their presence here on Earth. Try to be proactive in protecting ourselves from their involvement in our lives. One of the most effective ways of combating this is to face our fears daily. A lot of our fears can be brought in through past lifetimes with the intention of confronting. Keeping yourself attachment free is the clearest way to circumvent those things from showing up. Additionally, many of us have experienced childhood and adult traumas. Childhood traumas happen because as as children we are not self-governing over our physical and spiritual being. We had to rely on those that were caring for us. When that fails we are vulnerable. The adults who were entrusted to our care may have been emotionally, physically, and mentally abusive. They were most likely passing on their own lived experiences and never sought help prior to having children. Not excusing it at all as I went through it for most of my childhood, but that’s where it comes from. If not healed these experiences can become imprinted into the aura and the soul and reside in the body indefinitely.
When we experience trauma the impact is imprinted into our auric fields, our physical body and our soul. It places segments of the soul that are damaged into something like a holding pattern which creates inverted pockets that separate it from the main part soul. As we begin to heal and learn from the harm that was imposed upon us we start to move forward with a distinct level of mercy and empowerment. This specific type of healing is known as Shadow Work. Those who are chronically ill and find that doctors are not able to find or treat the physical symptoms may be suffering from Soul Fragmentation. This can be due to chronic energetic loss in the energy field. Understanding how to heal Soul Fragmentation and to stop the energy leaks is invaluable in transforming our physical health and working in conjunction with Western Medicine. As a former ER Nurse I can attest that finding a supportive and competent physician adds so much to the healing process.
Our Natural World is incredibly healing for the soul. Many aspects of the outdoors emit what are called Negative Ions. Negative ions are molecules that float in the atmosphere and are charged with electricity. UV light, pine trees, salt water-especially the ocean and beach atmosphere, thunder and even lightning emit negative ions. Negative ions also increase levels of mood-enhancing serotonin, that helps to relieve stress and increases our energy. Reflection in nature, engaging in meditation and prayer if you can be healing on many levels. Spending time outside everyday also facilitates deep sleep which cleanses and strengthens the auric field. Personally it my main go-to for my spiritual health.
Past-life regression is another modality that can be used for Soul Retrieval. Acupuncture, Zero Point Healing, and Acupressure are other examples of energy healing techniques that are available. Working with a clairvoyant who can bring you in touch with the soul that inhabits your body is a good place to start. This is known as “Soul Work” and it is a subtle but direct way to work with your soul and start to know it and understand who you really are. The more we work on creating a healthy and strong soul the more resilient we become when encounter difficult times. Maintaining a healthy soul takes a sustained effort, a willingness to learn and a commitment to raising the soul’s frequency. In my mind everything centers around the soul, emotionally and physically. It’s one of the things you get to take with you when you leave this Green Planet-it is your best friend in this life.
-No matter who we think we are or where we think we are going we will eventually return to our origins, our soul. Knowing that YOU oversee your soul will give you the only guidance you need in this life.