A “karmic connection” can refer to a deep, intense and familiar bond that may originate from past lives, bringing up unresolved issues and providing opportunities for personal growth and learning. Even if the relationship can be challenging or tumultuous it’s based on the concept that our actions in this life and past lives create consequences that shape our present experiences. Karmic cycles typically occur and persist because of a wound that we still carry within. Karmic relationships are also part of these patterns and they show up in our lives in different shapes and forms.
It is thought that strong karmic connections are formed and galvanized through past life experiences where unresolved issues or power emotional and psychic ties that are carried into the current lifetime. These connections may bring a feeling of an instant connection with another person. A powerful feeling of familiarity and urgency, maybe needing to be near this person and have a lot to say to them. These relationships can be characterized by a strong, almost immediate attraction, often accompanied by intense highs and lows, creating an emotionally charged dynamic.
Although beneficial spiritually these relationships can have unbalanced power dynamics. This is a situation whereby one person seems to have more control or influence over the other. This is something to be aware of and to not allow yourself to be harmed or to lose yourself in it.
These types of relationships symbolize one of our only pathways to learning meeting again to continue to work through the spiritual knots. These relationships may feel toxic but when we increase self-awareness, we can work through them and heal profoundly.
Karmic relationships don’t necessarily have to be romantic relationships. One may be in a karmic cycle with a friend, family member, coworker, or even a pet.
Karmic relationships directly impact our Shadow Self. The Shadow is where we tend to store painful or unresolved imprints throughout our lifetimes. As we mature spiritually through our reincarnations we learn to deal with our traumas and intergrade what serves us and release what we no longer need. While challenging, karmic connections are often seen as opportunities for profound personal growth by confronting past patterns and healing the wounds of the past, moving towards enlightenment.