Since I was very young, about two I suppose, I have always interacted and seen what I believe to be Angels . Just as there is darkness there is light and they have been a very big part of my life here on Earth. I have felt them, I have seen them and they are in quite a few photographs that I take or I appear in. They assist me greatly in the work that I do here on Earth in my practice and my everyday life. The Angelic have provided me with immense comfort in dealing with the supernatural which is a constant in my life. I know they have intervened on my behalf when battling the darker forces that inhabit our planet.
They have especially helped me in my career in parapsychology and in assisting people with the resolution of extreme hauntings. Sometimes I am very aware of their presence, sometimes they are they are more in the background. Many times throughout my life, they have provided profound healing and awareness either in the dream state or in the waking day. I do feel quite fortunate to be connected to this spiritual realm. Those that are incarnated from this plane will eventually either see them directly or see their works within their life experience.
In the past two years I have had a lot of clients come to see me who I believe have incarnated from these higher vibrational planes. Either Angelic Incarnates or Earth Angels. These are what is known as Angelic Appointments whereby an Angel, either minor or major, agrees to descend into a body and experience life on Earth in a human body. This appointment or incarnation is usually selfless and these folks do agree to do this to assist humanity. I believe it is in correlation to our emergence into the two-thousand years of light. Angelic’s are awakening to the true purpose of their incarnation.
It is an inhibited incarnation in that the individual does not remember this agreement but they are aware of how different they are and are profoundly connected to the Holy Virtues and the idea of healing and loving they are. Love is a central theme in their lives. Many Angelic Incarnates are now awakening in very profound ways. They are beginning to remember why they came to the Earth and remember their purpose and timelines. I can usually tell if someone is from this realm by the colors of their aura and their energetic vibration. The aura cannot lie and is a dead giveaway of ones spiritual origins.
Angelic incarnates are of the smallest spiritual population on our planet. Sometime they will incarnate into families that are in need of healing and purification. They can sometimes be “Third Parents” and heal family lines and infuse the values of love and compassion into families that have been damaged by evil. Angelic folks can struggle with evil, primary evil as well as secondary evil that is expressed through humanity. Once they begin to understand who they are and why the are here these struggles turn into deep introspection and an ascension back to their Heavenly origins. Their presence on the Earth is desperately needed, especially now during these troubling and transformational times.
When I conduct my private sessions it is through the blessings and grace of the Angelic Plane and God. I have worked with these beings all my life. They are the energies that allow me to use my gifts on earth safely. The Angelic creates a protective shield around my work and those who come to see me. The clicking and popping that a lot of clients hear when they come for their session are the Angelic. Their vibration is very high and when they enter our third dimension they must release energy which translates into a popping or clicking sound. They do move about my home and create Angelic Arcs and portals for souls needing to speak and to heal. These arcs look something like lightning rods. It can sometimes get a little busy!
The Angelic won’t give things to you in an outright way. They will however extend to you the only thing that matters, which is love and compassion and protection. Everything with the Angelic begins with love. Unconditional love. If something doesn’t have that “Love Ingredient” then forget it. It’s only an illusion. Love is the origin of all real beginnings and the foundation of our human souls existence.
This photograph in particular was taken during our six year haunting in my backyard at the height of the activity. This was one of many photographs that demonstrated in picturesque form the battle on Earth between good and evil.