A Yod also known as the “Finger of God” occurs in an astrological chart when two planets sextile one another and both form quincunxes with a third planet across the chart. The resulting shape when drawn on a chart wheel looks like an elongated triangle or a long finger with is where the Yod got its name. The word “Yod” is related to the Hebrew word for “hand” and in astrology is called the Finger of God or The Fated Finger. The sextile is a soft or beneficial aspect but a quincunx is a hard aspect. It is one that brings forth challenges and karmic lessons. You can imagine that a Yod produces a sense of conflict as the soft and hard aspects mix their very different influences together.
A Yod also produces a sense of fate of karmic obligation that must be paid in this lifetime. In this configuration the planets involved must learn to work together despite the challenging influence of the two quincunxes. There is always a sacrifice in a Yod configuration. A Karmic debt to be paid. A Yod also signifies a lesson to be learned and something that must be relinquished. It might be an outdated belief system or personal set of values. Whatever it is the process will be challenging and difficult but ultimately good for the soul. A profound transformation.
The planet that creates the long point of the Yod becomes the focal point of this configuration and embodies the realm in which the greatest lessons must be learned. Yods signify the need for compromise in the realms of the planets involved but also give the soul many of the tools they need to renew and deepen their soul.
Yods are formed by two quincunx’s pointing towards the same point, a third planet. The two planets shooting quincunxes towards the third are linked by a sextile. All within 3° / 3.5° orb maximum. The two planets sextile form a base a foundation for the person. The third planet receiving all the energy is a focal point and it has a purpose but there is an uneasiness about it. A sort restlessness. In order to understand why this occuring we need to understand the quincunx. The quincunx in itself is extremely stressful. It is not as aggressive as a square but it is no less powerful. It is a feeling of conflict and a feeling that something is wrong and it needs to be figured out.
Possesing a Yod in your natal chart means that in this life you feel compelled to achieve certain things. A good portion of your life seems focused towards a specific goal. A passion pushes you to accomplish something. And this something can be understood through the important planet and the overall Yod and chart. A Moon fulcrum will be mostly motivated by becoming a Mother a nurturing force -for her own children or for the children of the world. A Uranus fulcrum is meant to revolutionize, a Pluto fulcrum wants to transform emotionally. ( I have this and it is blistering)
Quincunxes are stressful and therefore even if a Yod is called “a Finger of God” even if we say there is a fated aspect to it and you’re meant to achieve something it doesn’t mean it will be done in all easiness and comfort. And that is why a Yod is formed by quincunxes and not trines. The fulcrum receives not one but two quincunxes. It is so stressful that the energy of the fulcrum planet can be completely exacerbated. It gives children who express the qualities of the fulcrum planet to the fullest of its capacities to the point that the family can become overwhelmed and fail to understand what the child is trying to express. Growing up the individual. keeps this feeling of being misunderstood and it will become both a uneasiness and a motor to grow.
Yod Activation
Now each Yod holder will experience a turning point in their life. This apex can be seen through the activation point. It is found in the mid-point between the two legs of the Yod. Let’s say you have Pluto in Scorpio at 14° and Neptune in Capricorn at 14° . They are both shooting quincunxes towards a Moon in Gemini at 16°. This Yod activation point will be the exact middle between Pluto and Neptune which is 14° Sagittarius.
You want to look in the transit chart and look for a conjunction of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, or Jupiter to this particular point. When one of these planets form a conjunction to the activation point the Yod is activated and therefore even stronger in the person’s life. Depending on which planet light it up you will get more information as to how the Yod will be highlighted up.
When the Yod is activated happens a feeling of complete despair can come forward in a persons life. Feelings of being lost and hopeless emerge. This is common for a natal yod or a transit Yod. It isn’t easy and things can be extremely distressing. But a profound period of growth occurs at this time also. Integration and downloads of lessons and information without even the realization of doing so. The resistance and the inclination to force things at this time will bring you into direct contact with the Universe that it has other plans for you.
The only thing required during this time is to remain still and be aware of clues and signs from the Universe. During this spiritual crisis things may seem meaningless and unjust. You may feel the world is against you and nothing you try works in your favor. Try and remember that every Yod holder needs a an existential crisis to realize the profound insights they need to achieve the things the came here to do. Once the Yod is activated it will periodically be triggered over and over by a conjunction of a slow planet to one of the three founding planets of the Yod. Each transit will reactualize and ignite the Yod and put it under a new perspective and undergo new challenges.
Yod Highlights
According to the current literacy on the subject and my own experience on it there are a lot of common points between the lives of Yod holders. The first is “the turning point” or the activation. Some are conscious of it some aren’t. It could be inhibited knowledge. The Yods I have encountered have had something happen at a certain point that made the person reroute their life completely and get closer to what the fulcrum planets symbolizes.
There could be a huge stress a massive restlessness within the soul of the person. Often the person turns naturally towards Reiki or alternative healing therapies and spirituality to calm this conflict and uneasiness they feel. It’s as if they felt like their soul was cut in several different parts and they had to glue the parts back together. There is also feelings of being completely completelyoverwhelmed or obsessed with the fulcrum planet qualities. A deep interest in Astrology can arise and can become a lifetime of study. Although a Yod does signify a focus, there is a possibility to become irrational about it, not being able to let go of some ideas and even become irrationally involved in some religious movements. Yods do attract Yods. It’s usually a family pattern and you can trace back the origianl planet as a dominant one in your relatives charts.
Yod Holders Can Be Overachievers
In midlife there can be a complete separation between who the person was and who they become. They can become a stranger to themselves for some time. Someone who had a career in the financial world can suddenly become interested in an environmental career. Someone who was extremely traditional decides to embrace new age beliefs. You can of course follow it through the transits to the Yod.
The Yods by Transit
Anyone can have a Yod by transit creating the same conditions as a natal Yod. If you have a sextile in your chart (within 3 degree orb) every time a planet transit the 150° apart you have a quincunx by transit. If you have a quincunx in your chart (within 3°) every time a transiting planet comes to a sextile to it while being 150° from the natal planet you have a Yod. The Yod is also possible if two transit planets happen to form a Yod with a third natal planet. The Yod is also possible with progressed planets. Yod’s can show up in unusual and odd situations.
Not everybody who has a Yod goes through extreme situations but there could be phases in their life where they feel the touch of an unseen hand or universal assistance. Sometimes people with Yods posses energies that are not compatible with one another. There are parts of oneself that feels out of sync. For example a person with a Moon in Libra making a quincunx to both Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Pisces forming a Yod. The moon in Libra in 12th has the need to connect in an harmonious manner but the Mars in Taurus in 7th may want to rough it out with others since both energies are blind to each other there is a disconnect with may be expressed as extreme moodiness. The person may be very active but does not know when to stop and rest and bring quiet to the moon.On the other hand a person can cut themselves off and not be aware of Mar’s need for activity. This can even sometimes be expressed as bi-polar disorder or other kinds of mood disorders. With the second quincunx the Moon (our emotions) in Libra may not understand Jupiter’s more exuberant and over-confident energy. So the planet in the apex of the Yod can feel frustrated in not being able to express its energy. However Yods are in some ways more communicative than a single quincunx aspect because they have two planets sextile to one another who are aware of each other and act as a bridge to connect the two quincunx planets. The person with a Yod will eventually become more proficient at managing their energies as they mature and deepen their soul on their earthly journey.
My Yod Configuration
I have a Yod configuration in my chart. My Yod is one of service and unconditional love. This configuration provides the basis for an eternal love foundation. It is a univeral love that is rooted in an individual person rather than objectified love. Loving myself is the hardest thing I have ever had to do on earth. I have to work at it daily. My natural inclination is to take care of others. It’s much easier! Because the Virgo in my Yod is the service and work sign it does not ask for recognition or praise for it’s work. I have found that in my life when I have moved on into a different life cycle those that I have helped reach out at some point. They miss the nurturing. But I never help for recognition. It’s a natural impulse. It has led me down some shadowy territories in my younger years but as I have matured I have found deeper channels for this energy and don’t project it personally. My journey on earth has been one of total dedication to others or focusing on mastery of my own passions and to discover who I am. Loving oneself is perhaps the most difficult thing we can do as empathic souls on this planet.
We may never feel in total control of our lives when we have a Yod in our charts. Life is fated a bit with this accent in the chart and we may have to surrender to a higher power and sacrifice some personal desires and needs. A Yod placement can be seen as a person who perfectings the lessons and the skills they have spent a lifetime accruing. This is a placement of mastery.