There are three main Grids that operate through and around the planet Earth. The Primary grid is called the Crystalline Grid. This profound Grid spans the entirety of our planet. The Crystalline Grid connects all the crystallized formations that are held within the Earth. The crossings of these grids contain major portals, vortexes and inter-dimensional pathways that connect the Inner Earth and the Outer Earth to other dimensional worlds, higher planes of existence, Star Systems and Planets in our Galaxy and Beyond. The Crystalline Grid maintains a harmonious balance within the Earthly sphere and at portal entry points that connect the Earth to other dimensional realms.
The Crystalline Grid is considered the Light Body of our Cosmos. Crystalline is a term that is used to describe the consciousness of the light that surrounds humanity and is within our souls and what we emanate out into our Universe. All of humanity is connected to this infinite light field and in this time of enlightenment large groups of humanity are beginning to absorb and radiate the love and light of this divine field of consciousness. The masses will begin their to shift from 3rd dimensional awareness and living to a life of a higher dimensional vibration that is currently emanating from the 5D photon Belt that is wrapped around the Earth’s magnetic field. We are entering what is known as the Golden Age of Enlightenment or the Aquarian Age. This higher frequency is touching everything that is comes in contact with. Resolving density and impurities and allowing downloads of love and compassion.
The Crystalline Grid is a holographic matrix of light made up of energetic fractals. It is anchored by high vibrational points within the Earth. The Crystalline Grid anchors at vortexes that are portals into the next dimensional experience on earth. High vibrational energetic frequencies have been grounding into the Crystalline Grid since the beginning of the Aquarian Age. These frequencies are being held in place by great portals of light at certain places on the earth’s surface. These great portals of light are collecting negative particles of energy and transmuting them into higher frequencies.
The nomenclature and energy of our New Earth can be challenging to understand and integrate into your life. We are no longer in the Piscean themed life where we can pretend to be other people and other things and play out roles without pure commitment for the sake of appearances. There are many different terms used to describe the Crystalline Grid. The Unity Grid, Unified Field of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness Grid are all synonyms for the Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Grid contains the earth and the geomagnetic field that surrounds the earth, encompasses the entire solar system and radiates out into all other galaxies throughout time and space. Sacred geometric fractals, like a language of universal light consciousness; creates the framework for the grid.
The Crystalline Grid connects the crystalline central core of Mother Earth with portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect the Earth to the multidimensional cosmos. Our ancestors were quite aware of this energetic geometric grid and through aligning with its divine perfection built the pyramids, religious sanctuaries and mystical locations. To move and merge into harmony with these sacred natural portals is to bring you into alignment with the Crystalline Grids high vibrational frequencies. A few of my favorite and special earthly portals that are anchors for the energy from the Crystalline Grid are Arizona, New Mexico, California-especially the Mojave Desert, South America, British Isles, and Germany. You don’t actually have to visit one of these sacred sites to be connected to the Crystalline Grid. You can align with the Crystalline Grid wherever are on the earth at this present time. This grid is a place of truth and light where we can all come together as energetic beings of light and as human portals of light that bring the energy of Divine Love into the physical form or body where it is needed most. Where it can facilitate and express this love into our human experience. If you are finding that your home or workspace is in a place that is experiencing lower vibrational frequencies and impact of those energies of poverty, opposition or fear aligning to the Crystalline Grid will assist you with the absorption of this light and can provide immense healing and purification.
There are several pathways to align powerfully with the Crystalline Grid. One is through meditation and visualization. The other is through the practice of loving intentions and affirmations as this Grid is an emanation of love through the Earths vibration. As time passes and you begin to connect energetically with these strong pillars of light and energy you help to further activate the Light body of Gai and assist in the planetary ascension of humanity into the Golden Age of Enlightenment. To be alive at this time is incredible, daunting and asks only that you now live from the heart. With the reflection of the Love coming from the Divine. This is not a time to figure things out and to again begin to try and manipulate what we encounter. We are experiencing the purification process at this moment and it is not pleasant. All that had been hidden is not coming up to the surface for acknowledgement and integration. Fear not though as this will pass and once this part of the transformational It is not a transition we will experience overnight. With love and patience and prayer we will begin to bring the powerful love and illuminating light of the Crystalline Grid into our Earthly world and integrate it into our hearts and souls.