On a soul level we are all here on the Earth to walk in our own highly individualistic Karmic journey. Our chosen and tailored soul paths are uniquely ours but we do incarnate onto the Earth with a specific group of souls that are energetically in alignment with our souls and the themes we came here to master. Our Soul Groups are connected to us in the higher dimensional spheres and also during our lifetime here in the third dimension.
People from our designated Soul Groups are those that we have soul contracts and agreements with and will assist us with our missions need to complete and our ascensions. They can be compromised of souls that we have shared lives with in a past life or new souls that enter into our lives that will contribute and foster new dimensions of our soul’s ascension.
Soul groups are formed by a collective agreement before their next incarnations begin. As difficult as the concept may be we each decide on the conditions into which we’re born before we’re conceived. This happens on a spiritual level based on which lessons we must learn in order to grow into our soul’s aspected form. This includes who our parents are, who our children are and who comes in and out of our lives. As well as the degree of joy, suffering and integration of wisdom we receive.
Group Source
We are all Christ Source Consciousness Energy. Not necessarily under the Judeo Christian tradition of defining and understanding Christ but more of the comprehension that everything in our collective that reflect his teachings and the love he emanated. Our Universe is part of our source energy which connects us all, although we are in different rates of ascension and connectivity respectively learning in different ways and channels.
While we are connected to each and everything in the Universe our souls’ individually have chosen the Earth as the perfect and most effective place to materialize and grow.
Together we are responsible for our lives and vicariously the lives of others and our growth here on Earth. Every action, every thought creates a ripple effect in the cosmos that has an effect on everyone. When we do harm to someone or to ourselves this effected energy is projected into the energetic grid and then shapes the thoughts and behaviors and in our three-dimensional world.
Soul Group Type 1-Our Soul Community
Your Soul Community are a compendium of souls that share similar lessons, themes and ascension markers. Every member of your Soul Community would have come to Earth with the intention of learning how to grow in a particular area and how to bring new creative ideas or inspirations to a particular field.
Members of your Soul Community are often relatives, friends, coworkers, employees, and people who really inspire you or have the same life-stream as you. They can also take on the role of enemies or those that trigger you to clear past karmic blockages.
Your Soul Community can also include significant encounters such as stranger that comes out of nowhere and assists you when you are struggling, or special teacher that left a lasting impression on you when you were young, solidifying you to turn your dreams into reality.
Your Soul Community are people who touch your life in a significant way but perhaps are not permanent features of your life. They can also be people that share the same philosophy as you and connect with you on a more mental place helping crystalize ideas and projects you came here to develop.
Your Soul Community could be hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people depending on the path you have chosen.
Soul Group Type 2-Soul Family
This set of souls are your immediate family members that you have chosen to incarnate with in this life, however this group can also include people that have taken on the role of being like family to you.
Members of your Soul Family often have a close bond and are also here to learn similar lessons and themes as you.
It is important to note here that regardless of the relationship with your immediate family, your soul chose to reincarnate with them for a particular lesson or experience. A Soul Family is essentially a collections of 3-7 souls that have similar traits and unresolved issues. These souls incarnate together to show each other how the trait
Before your soul came down to Earth it made agreements with every member of your immediate family to be connected genetically and to experience a similar set of life circumstances.
In our higher realms our souls teamed up and understood that by coming into a certain family system you were all going to have to explore certain themes, patterns, and energies together.
Soul Group Type 3-Soulmates
Out of all the Soul Groups, this one is often the most significant and important. When we encounter people from this group, we often have a spiritual awakening or feel a deeper spiritual connection. Your Soulmate Group comprises of around three to nine individuals. They usually act as catalysts or human guides who create awareness and change in your life.
Your Soulmate Group can often include family members, friends and of course, romantic partners. Each of these soulmates will leave a lasting impression on your life and will often have a hand in changing your life. Our Soulmates touch our lives on some of the deepest of levels. These are the people that you have the strongest connections with, they can also be the people that challenge and push you the most.
When you meet a soulmate for the first time, there is often a familiar bond and perhaps you feel connected in more lives than just this one.
Everyone has a group of soulmates that they come to Earth with, but not all soulmates are destined to meet or be together. Every soulmate journey is different, but if a member of your Soulmate Group is present in your life, you will definitely know.
In higher realms, your Soulmate Group is also one that you train and study with. In fact, you all work together to help each other to learn lessons and experience growth.
When your soul leaves it’s human form it will connect with your Soulmate Group in higher realms and all of you will work together and help each other to understand the lives that you lead on Earth. Those that remain on the Earth you will support and love during the remainder of their life’s journey.
In the higher realms your Soulmate Group is like your spiritual support group. You all share a unique bond as you are each other’s greatest supporters and teachers.
Soul Group Type 4-Kindred Spirits
A Kindred Spirit is someone we share a deep bond with even though we may not have known them for very long. We may feel an instant connection with them, a spark, as though we have known them for our entire lives and they know the deepest part of who we are. We feel as though we can be ourselves around them without feeling judged or misunderstood. They understand us on a deep level and we can learn a lot from them. These may be relationships that come in briefly for a season or a reason but these relationships are primarily seen as reminder relationships that reignite your energy, assist you in difficult times and clear away darkness so that you can move into your next spiritual cycle.
Soul Group Type 5-Wrecking Ball Soulmates
Wrecking Ball Soulmates are most definitely karmic. These people literally enter your life to dismantle, destroy and dissolve all paradigms, beliefs and blockages that are preventing you from receiving new light for the incoming cycle. These soul ties can be some of the oldest. When they are active in your life you may feel like things are out of your hands and they probably are. This is way Karma operates. It isn’t a system of punishment and reward as sometimes thought. It is actually a neutral energy that operates through the channels of cause and effect and then consequences. The earthly plane is very much a dimensional realm of cause and effect. Of decisions. We are constantly creating karma with people everyday through the process of small and significant decisions and interactions. Each form of contact with another person, place or things creates combined energy that can turn into karma.
These relationships typically enter our lives as change agents through positive or negative or even neutral choices, opportunities or invitations to resolve our karmic load. In many ways these are the souls that love and know us in a deepest way. They agree to cause change and affect purification so we can grow and evolve.
Soul Group Type 6-Soul Enemies
A soul enemy connection is often referred to as a karmic agreement. In other words something you cannot get out of. They present us with many challenges and enable us to learn and grow as the relationship evolves. These relationships may begin very quickly and end suddenly.
Soul enemies can show us our weaknesses, limitations, deepest insecurities and our strengths. The more powerful inner conflicts that we experience the stronger potential to attract a Soul Enemy into our lives through the law of attraction and Karmic Associations.
Karmically we are more likely to match ourselves with someone who brings to the surface our own buried issues instead of someone who compliments us. By understanding this and working on our battles of our interior we will eliminate the possibility of this happening and also refrain from drawing in similar connections again.
When a Soul Enemy triggers us we often see them as the source problem rather than looking within to our interior. When we begin asking ourselves why we are accepting this or why we allowing a person to treat us in this way we start to see that that are actually pulling negative pain and patterns out of radiance.
A Soul Enemy does not give someone the right to cause us just suffering and heartache. This behavior is psychically permitted for the purposes of understanding who we are and integrating the new knowledge. We control the door.
All of us have shadows and darkness that we live with. When we evaluate and assess and take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions and behaviors before we can attract healthy relationships into our lives. The practice of setting and keeping strong and healthy boundaries will send out a clear message that we are not willing to accept harmful behaviors.
When we release expectations and the illusions that a relationship of the soul should be the image of supreme perfection we can then we can begin to see the whole relationship with greater clarity and realism.
We should not put our Soul Mate relationships on a pedestal as they will bring conflict and will make us feel pain and confusion at times. These are the times when we can to look inward for the answers and find the deeper explanations for what is causing a reaction.
Soul Group Type 7-Romantic Soul Mates
Your Romantic Soulmate is one of the most profound people that will enter your life. One way to understand this is to be aware of the many otherworldly signs taking place signifying that you belong together. In fact, soulmate signs are clear as day once you know them. These signs usually involve synchronicities, intuition, powerful emotion, and other spiritual indications straight from the Divine.
Although you may also have other soulmates in your friends or family, your romantic soulmate is the person you are destined to be with for the long haul.
Your romantic soulmate is your spiritual soulmate. The two of you are a divine fit, perfectly aligned in your energy. Your soulmate is your partner in both a friendship and intimate love sense. They are most often your choice for a marital partner.
With this connections there can be a strong sense of knowing this person, a clarity that this is supposed to be, it is destined.
Soul Group Type 8-Twin Flame
When our soul comes to the earth not all of our energy enters into our body. The remainder of our energy can reside in the higher realms or it can be transferred into another body. When a soul has learned and ascended all that it can in one singular body it can decide to split and separate in order to experience life as a twin. This soul-type, Twin Flame is frequently associated with the soul’s last lifetime.
When you have two bodies with the same soul energy, it is referred to as a Twin Flame. While everyone has soul energy left in higher realms that they are connected to having a Twin Flame on Earth can be quite rare.
Reincarnating into two different bodies is a lot of hard work for a soul. It is probably the most challenging type of lifetime cycle that a soul can choose which is why it is often only seen in advanced souls that are looking to come to Earth for rapid ascension and the release from the reincarnation birthing cycle.
It is possible to have more than one “twin” flame however humanity has perhaps not reached that level of consciousness just yet. Currently we know it to only be one-The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. Twin Flames may often find one another during their time on Earth through synchronistic and serendipitous circumstances. The purpose of their connection is not romantic as commonly believed it is primarily for the evolution of their two seperated souls and the completion of the spiritual birthing cycle.
When Twin Flames come together it is for a higher goal to impart knowledge and wisdom to the Earth. It can signify the the beginning of your last of your lifetimes or the last lifetime if the Kundalini Energy is awakened upon meeting between the Twin’s. Twin Flame relationships can be extremely intense but at the core of that intensity there may also be a feeling that you are both coming together for a higher cause. The Twin Flame relationships can transcend the Earthly plane and the effects are permanent as the goal is to unify.
Your Soul Family is a collection of souls with common interests who have come together for growth and your deepening evolution and healing. You may have already met them but you will also meet new members of your family as you journey through your lifetime life. There is no particular decision that you need to make to find your soul family they will find you when the timing is right. This is something that you could understand as a fated meeting.
The theory of our Soul Groups is a unique way of looking at why we are born into the bodies we choose and participate in the situations that we do. It can provide insights into the reason why we react in the way we do. As with all things spiritual these concepts are possibilities of what to understand rather than a hard and fast rule of what we should believe. One of the most beautiful things about being alive is the never ending opportunity to discover our spiritual origins and the possibilities that await us.